Tongcao and Pig Trotter Soup
材料 Ingredients:
- 通草 (Tongcao/Medulla Tetrapanacis): 5克 / 5 grams
- 豬蹄 (Pig Trotter): 1隻 (約500克) / 1 piece (approximately 500 grams)
- 王不留行 (Vaccaria Seeds/Wang Bu Liu Xing): 10克 / 10 grams
- 生薑 (Fresh Ginger): 3片 / 3 slices
- 清水 (Water): 適量 / Appropriate amount
- 細鹽 (Salt): 適量 / To taste
做法 Instructions:
豬蹄處理: 將豬蹄清洗乾淨,切成小塊,然後汆燙去除血水。
Prepare the Pig Trotter: Thoroughly clean the pig trotter and cut it into smaller pieces. Blanch the pieces in boiling water briefly to remove impurities. -
湯底準備: 在鍋中加入適量清水,放入豬蹄和生薑片,燒開後轉小火煮約30分鐘。
Prepare the Soup Base: In a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, the pig trotter, and ginger slices. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook for approximately 30 minutes. -
加入中藥: 放入通草和王不留行,繼續煮1至1.5小時,直至豬蹄煮軟、湯色變濃。
Add Herbal Ingredients: Add the Tongcao and Vaccaria seeds to the pot. Continue to simmer for an additional 1 to 1.5 hours, until the pig trotter becomes tender and the soup turns rich. -
調味: 最後加入適量細鹽調味,即可。
Season and Serve: Finally, season the soup with salt to taste and serve.
功效 Therapeutic Effects:
通草: 有清熱利尿、通乳的作用,是中醫常用於治療乳汁不通的中藥材。
Tongcao: Known for its diuretic and galactagogue properties, Tongcao is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat insufficient lactation by promoting milk production. -
豬蹄: 富含膠原蛋白,能滋養血液,促進乳汁分泌,同時還有滋陰補虛的作用。
Pig Trotter: Rich in collagen, pig trotter nourishes the blood and promotes lactation, while also helping to restore energy levels postpartum. -
王不留行: 通乳下乳,能夠促進乳汁分泌,與通草配合,效果更佳。
Vaccaria Seeds: These seeds are traditionally used to unblock the meridians and promote lactation, enhancing the effects of Tongcao when used together.
適合人群 Suitable for:
適合: 這款湯專為產後乳汁不通的產婦設計,特別適合在產後初期飲用,能幫助通乳下乳,促進乳汁分泌。同時,湯品營養豐富,也能幫助產婦恢復元氣。
Postpartum Women with Insufficient Lactation: This soup is specifically designed for postpartum women experiencing insufficient milk production. It is particularly beneficial during the early postpartum period, aiding in both milk production and overall recovery.
不適合人群 Unsuitable for:
濕熱體質者: 通草和王不留行都有一定的清熱作用,若產婦本身濕熱較重,容易腹瀉或有脾胃虛弱的情況,則應謹慎食用或減少用量。
Individuals with Damp-Heat Constitution: Since Tongcao and Vaccaria seeds have cooling properties, they should be used with caution in individuals who have a damp-heat constitution or are prone to diarrhea or spleen deficiency. -
感冒初期者: 若產婦在感冒初期,有風寒表證,應避免飲用過於滋補的湯品,如豬蹄湯,可能會加重感冒症狀。
Individuals in the Early Stages of a Cold: Those experiencing early symptoms of a cold, particularly with wind-cold symptoms, should avoid consuming rich and nourishing soups like pig trotter soup, as it may exacerbate the symptoms. -
對豬蹄或其他食材過敏者: 對豬蹄或湯內其他成分過敏者應避免食用。
Individuals with Allergies to Ingredients: Anyone with known allergies to pig trotter or other ingredients in the soup should avoid consumption.
While this soup is nourishing and beneficial for promoting lactation, it is recommended to maintain a relaxed and positive mindset, and to consult with a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if there are any concerns or if symptoms persist.